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Contacting the Coalition
Things to know before contacting us . . .

The Coalition is an all volunteer organization that can only dedicate a limited amount of time to handling inquiries and correspondence. While we do our best to respond to all correspondence as soon as possible - depending on the time of year - it may take us up to two weeks to respond.

Urgent Inquiries:

We give high priority to those inquiries that we feel are urgent in nature. Please understand, however, that this does not guarantee an immediate response - we may have many urgent inquiries that we are working on. (We give low priority to urgent inquiries if the information is already on our site.)

Media (reporters, press, etc.):

Calls from reporters and the like are returned the same day under normal circumstances.


If you are reading this, you obviously have access to the internet and it is very likely that the information you seek is already here! Spending a few minutes browsing our web site can save a lot of time.

Before contacting us, please take a moment to review the inquiry-types outlined below and find the one that most closely resembles your situation.

How to contact us:



Not Currently Available

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Copyright © 2020 Coalition to Prevent the Destruction of Canada Geese