The Majestic Canada Goose


The nest is built by the female of grasses, twigs, bark, leaves and mosses. The outer edge of the nest can range in size anywhere from 15 to 44 inches across. Inside, where the eggs will be laid, is a depression about 10 inches wide and 4 inches deep in which the female places the softest feathery down from her body. The down cushions the eggs and keeps them warm.

The male is very protective of his mate on the nest. While he may wander some distance away, he keeps his eye on the nest and is prepared to fly back in an instant. With hissing and wings beating he will chase away anyone who comes near.

The female will get off the nest for short periods to eat and swim. She will also get up every so often to inspect the eggs, move them gently with her beak and arrange the feathery lining of the nest.



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