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The Barbarians of Clay County, Missouri

The Clay County, Missouri, Park Department, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the Missouri Department of Conservation have brought their collective ignorance to bear on an alleged problem concerning Canada geese. The Park Department has sold tickets at $3.00 apiece for recreational killers (hunters) to blast away at the defenseless geese at a number of places, including a golf course that adjoins Smithville Lake (a manmade lake about one mile from a waterfowl refuge).

The slaughter is senseless on a number of levels. The most obvious is that it will have no effect whatsoever in resolving the conflict in question. This "managed hunt" is nothing more than a scam to provide more killing opportunities for "sport" hunters in areas where they are usually not allowed. Surveys sponsored by state "game" agencies show that convenient hunting is very important (ranked 1st out of10 factors) to waterfowl hunters.

Charlie Barr, Assistant Park Director, admitted the ineffectiveness of the hunt saying, "...officials anticipate that the actual hunt will have minimal impact; they hope the commotion and sound of shotguns may convince them to leave." (Kansas City Star, Nov. 27, 1996). O.K., then why not use commercially available and electronically timeable noise makers designed for this purpose? The carnage "MAY" convince them to leave? Considering the amount of injury, suffering and death that the geese will have to endure, his prognosis is unimpressive by any standard. Add to this the following statement that appeared in the Nov. 21, 1996, Kansas City Star, "...waterfowl traditionally have shown an ability to avoid areas quickly when heavy shooting begins." Yes, they flee when it begins, and the same effect can be achieved without killing. Yet the real issue is the speed of their return and the influx of other geese not present during the slaughter. Precedent shows that these shooting sprees are completely ineffective.

For all practical purposes, the golf season is over or nearly over for the year. Who cares if the geese leave during the winter? Many of the geese in the area are migrants. Killing and maiming transient geese is supposed to "teach them a lesson." Who honestly thinks the survivors are going to remember next year to stay away from the golf course? And even if they did remember, they would be up in Canada by the time the golf season started. It has been established that the most effective time to implement scare tactics, such as noise makers, is in the spring when feeding patterns are being established.

It is interesting to note that no state wildlife biologists are quoted in the newspaper; it seems this plan is too irrational even for them to endorse publicly.

If there was any real concern about geese on the golf course, they could have done a little research and found out that border collies have been 100% effective in this particular situation. This would be a good fact to ignore if one's motive was really to create "sport" hunting opportunities.

The hunt is slated to take place from 5:30 AM to10:00 AM weekdays, from Dec. 2nd to Jan. 17th at the golf course and at the Little Platte and Camp Branch areas.


John Hartman, Director, Clay County Park Department
Phone: 816-532-0803
FAX: 816-532-0317

Clay County Commissioner
Phone: 816-792 7600
FAX: 816-792 7777

For more information contact the organizers at [email protected] or (816) 580-3434.

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