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New Study Confirms Geese Not a Health Risk

On many occasions Canada geese, or rather their droppings, have been accused of being a health risk. Upon close examination, these accusations were shown to be gross misrepresentations and in most cases traced to individuals wholly unqualified to make public health risk assessments. Irresponsible reporters have done their part to perpetuate misinformation by printing one-sided statements such as, "Groundskeeper John Doodle says, 'something needs to be done about the geese because of public health concerns'."

Independent public health experts have said time and again that Canada geese are not a significant health issue. Studies done in the past on goose droppings were in agreement. Even so, periodic accusations of geese being a health risk have emerged from seemingly reputable sources. In all cases, these accusations were found to be scientifically unsubstantiated. Not surprisingly, the perpetrators could be shown to have close ties with those proposing drastic (i.e., lethal) goose management agendas.

State and Federal wildlife managers have been among the worst in propagating false impressions regarding the public health implications of Canada geese. Their strategy involves cross referencing each other ad nauseum: one unsupported claim used to give credence to another. Drastic changes to federal regulations that would encourage the killing of Canada geese have been implemented and proposed based largely on an illusory health argument.

The new study, Screening for potential human pathogens in fecal material deposited by resident Canada geese on areas of public utility was released on March 31, 2001 by the National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC). The report confirms what previous studies have shown: that Canada geese are rarely carriers of microorganisms that would pose a significant threat to humans.

This study confirms, as the Coalition has argued for years, that permits issued for the killing of Canada geese using public health as a justification are fradulent and indeed, illegal.

Dr. Gary Pearson was kind enough to provide the coalition with a more detailed comment on the study.

More information on Canada geese and public health.

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