New Jersey's DEP, Division of Wildlife, Sponsors
Gratuitious Goose Killing.
Despite public outcry, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) continues to strong-arm the State Division of Parks into forcing Canada goose hunting down the throats of the public.
During the killing spree, Ringwood State Park is turned into a private hunting club. The entrances are barricaded and the park is surrounded by armed personnel. It's unclear whether the guards are there to protect the hunters from the public, or vice versa. Either way, it's all at taxpayer expense! Each day, the public loses 30% of the park's usable hours to a small band of gun-toting, camo-clad commandos playing a lethal game of army with geese as the "big bad enemy". Public resources are being squandered to bring violence into an otherwise peaceful natural setting.
How does the DEP gets away with it? Simple. They hide behind the illusion that this hunt is some kind of public service by playing on the myth that killing is an effective way to control wildlife. They hope that with enough justifications, no matter how illogical, the public won't wake up and say; Hey! These guys are just catering to people who are willing to pay to kill and cripple wildlife. And because the more hunting/killing the DEP dishes out, the more money it makes, the DEP is ca$hing in!
This is the real reason Canada geese are dying at Ringwood.
The DEP will say just about anything to protect their lucrative wildlife killing business. For some strange reason, people seem to believe derogatory tales about geese concerning public health, water quality, and population, when the person telling them is wearing an extra-large boy scout uniform and a hat. The accusations that Canada geese are a threat to public health, responsible for the closure of swimming areas, or biologically impossible feats like exponential population growth, are completely without scientific support. We know - we have investigated these claims in cases all over the country.......and they prove to be nothing but excuses.
Join the Coalition's Protest at Ringwood State Park
Ringwood, New Jersey (Sally's Pond)
Saturday, January 18, 1997, 6:00 AM
In addition to protesting, demonstrators will turn flocks of geese away from the hunt area with noisemakers. Participants are advised to dress warmly as the temperature is expected to be below 20 degrees. Signs, hot beverages, etc. will be provided. Demonstrators should plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early. The hunt is scheduled to last from 6:00 to 10:00 AM.
For more information contact the Coalition at 914-425-7116.
Find out what happened..........