Kent Plans Canada Goose Slaughter 6/2/99 Contact: Dr. Gregg B. Feigelson (914) 425-7116 Town Officials Poised to Reenact Deadly Clarkstown Fiasco Lake Carmel, NY -- It's deja vu for those who remember the Canada goose controversy in Clarkstown, NY where 456 geese were slaughtered in 1996-7. By voting to have 150 geese killed, the Kent town board is about to repeat the deadly mistakes of Clarkstown - with one exception: they're trying to avoid scrutiny by keeping the killings hush-hush. Clarkstown proved that killing geese doesn't solve "goose problems" - as soon as all of the geese had been removed and killed from several town parks, other geese just moved in to fill the vacancy. No practical results were achieved in the town until non-lethal methods were given an honest try. But don't take our word for it: see the accompanying letter from Clarkstown town board members. Non-lethal methods work! Show us a place where they don't work and we'll show you a place where the methods were used incorrectly or poorly chosen. Unlike killing, non-lethal control keeps geese away. After being humiliated by the failure of goose killings in Clarkstown, the DEC went so far as to fund a study (1997) to try to prove that the geese displaced with non-lethal methods caused problems for others. Even after extending their study, they just couldn't do it!! Why does Cornell Cooperative Extension support the use of killing? Answer: To help their colleagues at the DEC. The Rockland County Environmental Management Council condemned the Extension's position as being biased and based on a distorted account of the Clarkstown goose situation. A majority of residents oppose goose killing. People don't want killing, they want geese out of certain areas - something that killing will not achieve. Could it be a coincidence that Councilwoman Pat Madigan works for Cornell Cooperative Extension? Feeding dead geese to those who can't fight back is just a publicity stunt. The issue is about solving goose conflicts, not false charity. Tests revealed that Clarkstown's dead geese had dangerous levels of lead 2 years in a row. They were only able to force them on the poor because the DEC applied political pressure on the NYS Health Department, forcing them to lower their standards. THEY say a lot of bad things about geese, but these are little more than baseless excuses used to protect and justify the killing agenda of a tiny, frustrated minority because geese can be messy.
Accusations about health risk from Canada geese and ducks found to be FALSE! 3/16/99 Contact: Dr. Gregg B. Feigelson (914) 425-7116 Town officials wrongly blame birds and bird feeding senior citizen for causing a health risk. Waterford, CT -- M. Murphy has been feeding the birds that visit her waterfront yard for more than 20 years. "It has brought such joy to my life, and now they want to take it away from me. They've even issued me a 'Cease and Desist' order, as if I were some sort of criminal," said Murphy, a senior citizen, upon contacting the Coalition. According to Murphy, the Health Department alleged that her feeding is causing a "public health problem." She contends that the situation is political - an influential neighbor, who doesn't like the birds, put political pressure on, among others, Selectman Thomas Sheridan, and Dr. George Burton, Director of the Health Department. The health department's claim that the Canada geese, ducks and swans visiting Ms. Murphy's yard are a health threat is remarkable because the transmission of disease from water birds to humans is virtually unknown. These suspicious circumstances prompted the Coalition to begin an investigation. Analysis of the water testing data received from the Waterford Department of Health revealed that the Department took action against Ms. Murphy without substantive evidence that local waterfowl were either carriers of human pathogens or even responsible for causing the elevated bacteria levels that were measured. When challenged on this point, the Health Department replied that it was carrying out more sophisticated tests to determine the cause of the contamination. Despite inquiries about the results of these tests last fall, there was a suspiciously long delay before their findings were made public. Obviously, they made an embarrassing discovery - it was HUMAN, not goose or duck droppings that had contaminated the water. This fact is recorded in a February 2, 1999 letter from First Selectman Sheridan to residents summarizing a meeting held on January 28, 1999: "11. Bacteria in the polluted areas as identified on the map, have been determined by the Sanitarian to be human and not animal."Since the source of the contamination is now known to be failing septic systems, it's time that Ms. Murphy, who has been publicly chastised and bullied by town officials, be pronounced wrongly accused. Indeed, the same is true of the Canada geese, ducks and swans. They have been needlessly slandered; they too deserve to be exonerated. Since the issue is clearly just one of aesthetics, not health, town officials should rescind the frivolous "order" and work out a compromise with Ms. Murphy, so that all of Waterford's residents - human and avian - can peacefully coexist. The Coalition gladly offers its assistance toward this end.
A Mary Glenski Playhouse Production 2/21/99 Contact: Dr. Gregg B. Feigelson (914) 425-7116
The Mary Glenski Playhouse is pleased to present . . . "Gullibles Travels"Starring...
Councilwoman Mary Glenski
South Dakota Air National Guard
Mike Marnach
Copyright © 2020 Coalition to Prevent the Destruction of Canada Geese